Share information seamlessly.

Do you find that responding to ESG questions from other members of your organisation takes a significant amount of time? Are you often approving answers that you have previously approved for someone else? If you’d like to empower your sales teams or other colleagues with ESG information at their fingertips EthicsAnswer can help you do that. 

Try it today

How it works

Our Viewer licences allow you to share approved information throughout the organisation, if a user needs an answer to a question which has not already been approved they can request a new answer which will be sent to the account Editor prior to being shown to the Viewer. Once approved by the Editor the answer will be visible to all Viewers.

Approve answers to ESG surveys

Or upload answers from previously completed surveys

Ask any question on the organisation

Only apporved answers can be seen.

Time Saving Technology

Many questions essentially ask the same thing but are worded differently. Each time you ask a question in EthicsAnswer, we’ll show you similar questions for which you already have approved answers to save you answering questions you already have the answer to.