Does completing CDP take your team days? Weeks? Months?

Let AI do the heavy lifting so you can get back to improving sustainability.

Is completing CDP a time burden on you and your colleagues?

Say goodbye to the tedious hunt for answers and evidence. EthicsAnswer does the heavy lifting, presenting you with comprehensive responses ready for your review and approval. Save time and resources while ensuring accurate and efficient reporting.

Find out more

Discover how EthicsAnswer revolutionises CDP reporting:

EthicsAnswer harnesses publicly available data from sources such as annual or sustainability reports and publicly accessible policies to swiftly address CDP reporting.

Each response is supplemented with evidence and a direct link to the source within publicly available documents.

What previously consumed hours of team effort can now be accomplished in mere minutes, thanks to EthicsAnswer.

We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have questions, feedback, or are ready to explore how EthicsAnswer can transform your sustainability reporting, don’t hesitate to reach out. Get in touch today and let’s embark on this journey together toward a more sustainable future.