How EthicsAnswer helps you complete EcoVadis in 90minutes
Imagine completing your EcoVadis assessment in under 2 hours.
We understand—after investing so much time in crafting Sustainability reports, spending hours answering repetitive questions can feel tedious.
But with EthicsAnswer, some of our clients are now completing their entire EcoVadis submission in just 90 minutes—averaging a little over two minutes per question!
Find out more1. Upload your EcoVadis questionnaire to EthicsAnswer, and let our AI generate accurate responses and gather supporting evidence effortlessly.
2. You can streamline the review process by assigning answers to colleagues within the platform, making it easy to manage reviews and approvals.
3. Or if you prefer to work in Excel you can download the answers and review them offline.
4. Once the review is completed download the completed survey and upload the answers to EcoVadis.
How EthicsAnswer speeds up your EcoVadis sumbission.
- Instantly refresh last year’s answers with the most current data.
- Source multiple pieces of evidence for each question, delivering more comprehensive and detailed responses.
- EthicsAnswer learns from your past modifications and approvals, generating a first draft that reflects your expertise—leaving you with just the final review.
- Easily delegate questions to colleagues for review, tapping into their specific expertise.
- Track and monitor changes made by colleagues directly within the platform.
- Grant Legal and Compliance teams the authority to approve answers within the system.
- Download the fully completed file, ready for submission to EcoVadis.